To do or not to do?

Apparently my phone doesn’t want to send pictures anymore, so I’m out of luck for a few days but I’ll be getting a new phone this weekend and fixing the situation.  Until then, I shall pepper the posts with pictures of very random things.  You’re welcome 😉



By the way…yesterday I totally forgot it was a rest day roughly an hour after I posted it.  I ate breakfast, put running clothes on and my shoes, and couldn’t find my watch.  Then I realized it was because it was charging because it’s rest day.  I sat on my couch in my running gear reading blogs for the next hour until I got cold and changed.  I was a little cranky about not running…


Yesterday I was offered a place on a team for a race and I’m not sure if I should take it.  What’s that? NOT do a race?  Sure doesn’t sound like me.  It’s a Super Spartan and I’ve never done an obstacle course race but I was intrigued because it doesn’t fall too close to other races I’m doing.  Then, I looked it up and it turns out that this particular race is pure evil.  Not Super Spartans in general, this location.  Over 8000 feet of elevation change in 8 miles.  You’re basically just going up and down a gigantic mountain.  And it’s not pleasant elevation apparently, reviews of last year said it’s so steep you can’t run it, and they make you do things like pick up a gigantic log and carry it down then up.  I’m not even sure I can pick up a giant log, much less carry it up and down mountains.  In a regular Spartan I’d be concerned about getting over the wall and stuff like that, this has those obstacles but then others.  It’s an obstacle course on crack.  My teammates would be my buddy Mark, a friend for more than a decade and former competitive skydiver (who took me my first time skydiving!) who is now military, and 2 of his military buddies, including his OTS training officer who also runs mountain ultras.  And then me.  I’m 5’3 and 105 lbs.  And I can’t do a pull-up.  Serious question…is it even possible for me to do such an event?  Will I fail half (or more) of the obstacles and have to do 6 million penalty burpees?  The boys don’t care, they want me on their team, but I’m a competitive little freak and I want to know what I’m getting into.  So if you’ve done a Spartan and have any input on the obstacles, let me have it!  I’ll deal with the mountain climbing nonsense, if anything it should make my rolling hills in my fall races seem like a piece of cake, right? 😉


More random photos!



Today’s workout: MILE REPEATS!!! Yes, that’s false enthusiasm.  It works.  4×1 mile with 2 mile warm up and cool down for a total of 8.  If my legs don’t feel like jello afterward, plyo to make it a truly hard day before taking it super easy tomorrow.


Should I do the scary race even if I’m the absolute worst competitor there?

What kind of race would scare you the most?  I think an ocean triathlon would be my worst nightmare (I did mine in a river and would do a lake/river when I do my eventual Ironman) but second is probably these obstacle races, I am NOT physically strong in my upper body.  I’d rather do a 50 miler than lift things and climb ropes.