The day of bacon

Yesterday I just really really did not feel like running so I didn’t run.  I know, novel concept, but it just felt right.  I wasn’t tired, sore, injured, or anything of the sort, I just thought about running and decided that even sitting around and researching sounded more fun.  I can’t remember the last time that happened (though I will totally chicken out of runs in terrible weather or move rest days around…I just never REALLY don’t want to run).  Then I tried to ask myself if I wanted to do anything at all, and unlike those days where your body just wants/needs to lay around, I really did want to get moving.  For some reason, running didn’t sound appealing, but pretty much everything else did…including lifting (insert shocked face here).  I ended up doing insanity plyo, plus 20 minutes-ish of kettlebells and 15 minutes of core.  I’m going to hurt like you wouldn’t believe after that.  I’ve been very guilty of neglecting strength training lately.


When I went to go make breakfast, Joe told me that we had some bacon that we should probably try to use up.  There was quite a good amount of it so it wasn’t going to happen at breakfast but I figured it was the perfect excuse for pancakes and bacon.

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This is Joe’s plate, I promise mine only had about half as many pancakes.  I’m really glad I exercised first though because I was stuffed to the gills after this.


At lunch time, I figured I’d try to use more bacon because it just had to be eaten, right?

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Jalapeno wrap, pesto, gouda, turkey, fried egg, and BACON.


I had some cupcakes for an afternoon snack but since that doesn’t go with the theme we’re just going to ignore it and move on.  For dinner, Joe brought home a fresh baguette so I thought soup would pair perfectly.  I made some lobster bisque and then realized I was on a roll with the bacon today so we used up the rest in our soup.

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If you’re wondering, bacon, parmigiano cheese, and lobster bisque are best friends.



You should be glad I didn’t have Joe take pictures of me working out in our non-air conditioned house (sweaty is an understatement) but instead provided you with pictures of a full day of bacon yumminess.  I’m declaring yumminess a real word, my English major be damned.



Ever have a “themed” day of eating? 

Do you ever just REALLY not want to run but still want to work out?  What is your go-to workout if you’re not feeling running?

44 thoughts on “The day of bacon

  1. I’m like you before yesterday, never really feel like I don’t want to run… 🙂
    Running is my main form of exercice, so if I had to do anything else besides running without taking a rest day, it would be swimming or strenght work. I guess I’d go with swimming.

  2. Wow, those pancakes look so good!! It has been a while since I ate some them but I’ve been craving them a lot lately!! You inspired me to eat lots of them!! 😉
    When I don’t feel like running or swimming (ironically, the feeling of not wanting to do either usually comes over me every now and then), I lift weights, do yoga, or sometimes use the row machine at the gym.

  3. That is awesome because bacon pretty much goes with everything in the world. (Never trust a person who doesn’t like bacon!)

    Somedays I just don’t want to run-whether I will go or not depends on if I have the availability to take that day off and run on a different planned “off” day!!:) sometimes when I DONT want to go I end up actually having the best runs!!!!

    • I usually only do the rest day switch thing because I typically only want to skip a day of running if I’m tired/sore. This is maybe the second time ever I’ve just been like yuck, I don’t wanna. I’ll probably be extra pumped for my tempo run tomorrow now 🙂

  4. Hahahaha bacon day. I don’t love bacon, but that wrap looks like a really solid combination.
    When I REALLY don’t want to run but still want to work out, I’ll make up something new, like ‘run 5 minutes + 5 burpees+10 squats, repeat for an hour’. Sometimes I just need something different to get me off my butt

  5. That’s a lot of good looking food! I go through periods where I want bacon all the time but mostly I can live without it – don’t hate me! If I’m not running (through choice) I’ll go hit the gym and try to lift weights before I realize I have no upper body strength.

  6. Mmmm I am eyeing up your wrap. That looks good. 🙂 If I’m not feeling like running and it isn’t a lifting day, I will do plyos in my backyard or hop on my spin bike if the weather is cruddy!

  7. Now I need bacon! I don’t think I’ve ever had a theme day with meals but adding bacon to every meal is always a win. I didn’t feel like running today either but wanted to do abs! p[p[: <– Brice wanted to say hey. 🙂

  8. This is completely random, but the other day I was buying a scented candle and they actually had one scented “MMM Bacon.” I thought that was weird, lol. It really did smell like bacon too. All of the above food looks super amazing. And now I want bacon. 😀

    • Those food scented candles are so funny! I got my best friend one a few years ago that smelled like buttery mashed potatoes and her roommate came home and was like “ooooh, I want potatoes!” And we had to explain it was a candle 😉

  9. That wrap looks goodie! To be honest, I’ve never had much of a hankering for bacon. But if you need a day of it, I say go for it!
    Ha, my wife was an Inglesh majore too! She hates how I right sumtimes.
    When I don’t feel like doing my run, I have a route that goes through a park that is somewhat scenic for a suburb of Dallas…I always feel better afterwards.

  10. well you did a great job at using up the bacon, no reason to waste such a precious food! 🙂 My go-to is tabata workouts (as you have probably figured out by now haha) I just love how quick and effective they are. Kettlebells are probably my favourite, but my gym locks them all up so you have to take their class! Burpees, jump squats and box jumps always get me going, too.

    • I love plyo, one of those workouts where the pain feels really good. Your tabata workouts always look so fun! I’ve done a 60 day HIIT program and I loved it but I always forget how much I enjoyed it and neglect doing more of it.

  11. I am almost embarrassed to admit I don’t like bacon. I never have and then I stopped eating it when I stopped eating meat. I can’t even stand the smell of it in the house! But I do appreciate your dedicating to using up old groceries 🙂

  12. I had a themed day of eating a couple weeks ago. It was called CARBS and I think I may have gained 5 pounds. I don’t even like bacon, but these pictures made me want it. Especially that soup. I love lobster bisque. 🙂

    • Haha I think my life’s eating can be summed up with carbs. I love lobster bisque too! I couldn’t stop thinking after I ate it though that I haven’t had crabs in a while and I need to drag Joe out or some good old blue crabs when we come back this summer.

  13. Lol you and Kyle would be BFFs. I’ll be the awkward one sitting alone, baconless, because I don’t like bacon. Never had a themed day of eating but now I want to. It sounds like so much fun! Can carbs be a theme? 😉

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